Saturday 21 August 2021
Theme : " Singing as a means of expression and communication of the gospel "
Text : Revelation 5: 9
9. And they sang a new song, saying, You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals; for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed unto God by thy blood men of every tribe, and of every tongue, of every people, and of every nation;
Let us remember :
Around the throne of God there is a holy atmosphere. There are several angels, living beings, old people who set the tone in praise of the King who lives forever. They raise their voices to glorify God but also to inform us of the atmosphere that prevails before the face of God. This song is a victorious announcement of the work accomplished by Jesus Christ for the salvation of mankind. It traces the course of a grandiose work that no human, no angel or any other creature could brilliantly achieve. Only the Lord Jesus Christ carried out a commando mission with surgical precision and whose fallout will still be visible from age to age. In view from the content of this song, we are sure that song is an excellent means of expressing and communicating the gospel. It is up to us to reproduce the same pattern in order to create here below on earth, the replica of this song among the peoples and nations that surround us. Let’s teach songs that proclaim the gospel of salvation to glorify God and save lost souls. Excellent Saturday. Amen Alain Louz.-