Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Theme: "Role and responsibility of the Christian in the preservation of biodiversity"
Text: Isaiah 24:4-7
4. The country is sad, exhausted; The inhabitants are dejected, languishing; The leaders of the people are powerless. 5. The land was profaned by its inhabitants; For they transgressed the laws, broke the ordinances, They broke the everlasting covenant. 6. Wherefore the curse devours the land, And its inhabitants bear the penalty of their crimes; Wherefore the inhabitants of the land are consumed, And only a few remain. 7. The must is sad, the vine is withered; All who had a happy heart sigh.
Let's remember:
Role and responsibility of the Christian in the preservation of biodiversity. Is it the Christian who is at the center of the preservation of biodiversity? Yes, the Christian is the child who must protect his Father's patrimony. The Christian is the one who must follow all the laws and recommendations of his Father, concerning all areas of life; including the management of household waste, air pollution, the preservation of the ecosystem and biodiversity… God can destroy a nation or even a continent when Christians indulge in evil and refuse to repent. God can allow desolation to strike a people who do not observe divine recommendations for the preservation of biodiversity. When the country is profaned, betrayed by its inhabitants; when they transgress the laws, break the ordinances, They break the everlasting covenant; the consequences will be serious. To make the people listen to reason, God can smite the whole country with various evils. It can damage the health of the population, destroy biodiversity, pollute the air and waters... The only honorable way out would be repentance followed by radical change. This is why Christians must invest themselves in all areas of life in order to ensure the good behavior of the inhabitants through exhortations and other prayers. Let us be obedient so that we and our biodiversity live in peace. Excellent Wednesday. Amen Alain Louz.-