Monday, June 5, 2023
Theme : "Role and responsibility of the Christian in the preservation of biodiversity" Text: Genesis 6:19-20
19. Of every living thing, of all flesh, you shall bring into the ark two of every kind, to keep them alive with you: there shall be a male and a female. 20. Of birds after their kind, of cattle after their kind, and of all the creeping things of the earth according to their kind, two of every kind shall come to you, that you may preserve their life.
Let's remember:
The Christian has a role and a responsibility in the preservation of biodiversity. His conduct must correspond to the expectations of humanity in the safeguard but also the preservation of creation; specifically biodiversity. The functions of regulation and maintenance of biodiversity are incumbent on everyone, but above all on Christians because the creature is the work of our Father. Every Christian must have a positive influence in the preservation of biodiversity. By speaking of preservation, we allude to conservation or even defence, in other words: the guarantee, the custody, the maintenance, the protection or even the safeguard. It also takes the notion of monitoring in order to sound the alert when the lights tend to orange or red. As for biodiversity, it is the diversity of living species (micro-organisms, plants, animals) present in an environment. It is essential to point out that the human person is the most gifted species of all the animals that exist. It is very valuable to preserve it from extinction. God said to Noah: But I establish my covenant with you; you shall enter the ark, you and your sons, your wife and your sons' wives with you. You will bring into the ark two of every kind, of all living things, of all flesh, to keep them alive with you: there will be a male and a female. Noah obeys. This is why we continue to have the animal species that remain today. Noah played his part; and U.S? Excellent Monday. Amen Alain Louz.-