Friday November 24, 2023
Theme: “Respect for the word of God: Source of blessing for families”
Text: 1 Peter 3:1-9
1. Wives, be likewise submissive to your husbands, so that if some do not obey the word, they may be won over without a word by the conduct of their wives, 2. seeing your chaste and reserved way of living . 3. Have, not that outward adornment which consists of braided hair, golden ornaments, or the clothes that one wears, 4. but the inner adornment hidden in the heart, the incorruptible purity of a gentle and gentle spirit. peaceful, which is of great price before God. 5. Thus the holy women formerly adorned themselves who hoped in God, submissive to their husbands, 6. like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him lord. It is from her that you became the daughters, doing what is good, without letting yourselves be troubled by any fear. 7. Husbands, in turn show wisdom in your dealings with your wives, as with a weaker sex; honor them, as also having to inherit with you the grace of life. Let it be so, so that nothing comes in the way of your prayers. 8. Finally, be all animated by the same thoughts and the same feelings, full of brotherly love, compassion, humility. 9. Do not return evil for evil, or injury for injury; bless, on the contrary, for this is what you have been called, that you may inherit the blessing.
Let's remember:
The path to blessing is made up of several small subtleties which, when put together, become a fortress of blessing. Just good behavior is a preaching that can cast down the lofty heart of a godless man. A woman's obedience is a great asset in winning over her husband, even if he has a lapse in his faith. If not, why go to pray if those who encourage us to do so are not models? Families that experience great blessings are those in which respect for the word of God is required. The wife's obedience must merge with the husband's respect, wisdom and love. All these ingredients go together and never without each other to achieve a good balance in the home. Good behavior brings blessing to the family. Parents and children must make an effort to contribute to the family blessing. God wants men to honor their wives and show them boundless love. Evil, in all its forms, must not be invited into the family. This is why all members of the family must be animated by the same thoughts and the same feelings, full of brotherly love, compassion, humility. If we want the blessing to last in the family circle, let us bring together the conditions for its occurrence, those for its maintenance and those for its safeguarding. Excellent Friday and good start to the weekend. Amen
Alain Louz.-