Monday, November 7, 2022
Theme: “Reconciliation: Source of Material and Spiritual Blessings for a Church" Text: Ephesians 2:12-15 12. Remember that you were at that time without Christ, disenfranchised in Israel, strangers to the covenants of promise, without hope and without God in the world. 13. But now, in Christ Jesus, you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. 14. For he is our peace, he who has made one of the two, and has broken down the wall of separation, enmity, 15. having destroyed by his flesh the law of ordinances in its prescriptions, so to create in himself with both one new man, establishing peace, Remember: Reconciliation consists of putting an end to the disagreement that existed with someone. We can be reconciled with God or with an institution like the Church. Within the Catholic community, reconciliation is a ceremony by which a person is reintegrated into the Church. Reconciliation is therefore a return to reason and to home. Note that we can be reconciled with ourselves when we had already lost self-esteem, when we had lost the will to live, when we had given up our life to sin. To speak of reconciliation, it is first necessary to establish a notorious disagreement. However, the disagreement that requires reconciliation must be one whose parties are not reconcilable, the dispute being of major size. Should we find this kind of disagreement among the children of God? The answer is dry and without appeal: NO! The children of God privilege love, peace, understanding, cohesion, humility, gentleness, kindness which are Christic values of fraternity and good neighbourliness. Having received Christ, our hearts should beat to the rhythm of His Word. There is no more room for serious disagreements. Let us keep ourselves and our neighbor in peace, the Church will be blessed. Excellent Monday. Amen Alain Louz.