Monday 13 December 2021
Theme : " Preparing for the coming of the Lord "
Text : Isaiah 59: 1-4
1. No, the hand of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too hard to hear. 2. But it is your crimes that put a separation Between you and your God; It is your sins that hide his face from you And prevent him from listening to you. 3. For your hands are polluted with blood, and your fingers with crimes; Your lips speak falsehood, Your tongue utters iniquity. 4. No one complains with justice, No one pleads with righteousness; They lean on vain things and speak falsehoods, They conceive of evil and give birth to crime.
Let us remember:
A heart filled with spiritual toxins cannot be pleasing to God. Hands soiled with various sins prove that we are not prepared to welcome the Lord. God is willing to visit his people at all times; however, we do not create the conditions for its receipt. When Jesus comes to visit us, where will he settle? Could he take pleasure in living in the midst of our sins? We must make room for sanctification; we have to beautify our lives so that Christ finds a place to put his head. If our hearts, our hands, if our lives are impure, the Lord would prefer to settle in a stable among the animals. May each one repair his injustices and may he cleanse his hands full of crimes to better say Welcome to the Lord. Excellent Monday. Amen Alain Louz.-