Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Theme: "Praise, a musical style or a lifestyle?"
Text: Psalms 22:26
26 You will be in the great assembly the object of my praise; I will fulfill my vows in the presence of those who fear you.
Let us remember:
Every child born of God must make a solemn commitment before his creator. He must make a declaration of love, attachment and gratitude to the one for whom his heart beats wildly. As David did, we too make the promise to fulfill our vows in the presence of those who fear God. The extraordinary that God accomplishes in us must never remain silent and hidden in our hearts. Even if it is a treasure, this treasure deserves to be revealed in an assembly of Christians in order to serve as a testimony. The works that God accomplishes must not be hidden. They are like a balloon that we want to hide under water but end up coming out quickly without difficulty. It is in public that we must say the praises of God. It is also an opportunity to tell the world that God acts in the lives of his children. Let us have the zeal to say the praises of God in public and without shame, without reserve, without fear. This cannot be forced because it is the way of life of the children of God. Excellent Tuesday. Amen
Alain Louz.-