Tuesday July 13, 2021
Theme : " Lord, help my unbelief " Text : Matthew 9: 23-26
23. When Jesus came to the chief's house, and saw the pipers and the noisy crowd, 24. he said to them, “Depart; for the young girl is not dead, but she is sleeping. And they laughed at him. 25. When the crowd had been dismissed, he came in and took the girl's hand, and the girl stood up. 26. The rumor spread throughout the country.
Let us remember :
Let us not be among the harp players and other singers who rush to cry in the places of vigil even when the person is only asleep. Jesus, who has the instructions for life, tells us to leave these places; to withdraw because we are not in the right place. For lack of faith and divine revelation, we made mistakes; we have confused sleep with death. Fortunately, Jesus comes to the aid of our unbelief to enlighten our faith. The other thing not to do is make fun of Jesus knowing that he is always right and it is He who is the resurrection and the life. When we go in the wrong direction, call on Jesus to help our unbelief instead of making fun of Him. Jesus is there and holds out his hand to us; let us hastily accept this divine offer and we will have his help. Excellent Tuesday under the help of the Lord. Amen Alain Louz.-