Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Topic: "Let your actions be in accordance with the Word of God"
Text: Acts 16:18-21
18. She did this for many days. Paul, tired of it, turned around and said to the spirit, "I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her." And he went out that very hour. 19. When her masters saw that their hope of gain had disappeared, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace before the rulers. 20. They brought them before the magistrates, saying, "These men are troubling our city. 21. They are Jews, proclaiming customs that it is not lawful for us Romans to receive or follow."
Let us remember:
We will take away some lessons that we can update to give them a meaning that fits our daily lives. This is a woman “possessed by an evil spirit,” a servant who had a spirit of Python, and who, by divining, brought great profit to her masters. Let us make the effort to observe our actions carefully in order to ensure that we are not under the control of an evil spirit. To know this, we just need to look carefully at our motivations, our activities, the life we lead if it is in accordance with the holy scriptures, see if we are obedient to God. If not, let us ask for divine deliverance as Paul cast out the spirit that troubled this woman. Let us pray for people possessed by evil spirits so that they may be delivered. Let us pray for people living in sin, those who love slander, slander, infidelity, gossip, magic, persecution… it is a way of being under the control of the devil. Let us pray that God delivers them from this yoke. Another thing: let us not martyr the innocent, the people who have only done good to their neighbor. Let us not falsely accuse them to hide our faults. Our actions must reflect the word of God. To do the opposite is to be a supporter of the devil and an opponent of God. Our actions must help our neighbor to better serve God and not to discredit him. Excellent Tuesday. Amen
Alain Louz.-