Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Theme: “Let Us Prepare the Way of the Lord”
Text: Amos 4:12-13
12. Therefore I will do this to you, Israel; and since I will do this to you, prepare to meet your God, O Israel! 13. For this is the one who formed the mountains and created the wind, And who makes known to man his thoughts, He who changes the morning into darkness, And who treads on the high places of the earth: His name is the Lord, the God of hosts.
Let us remember:
The children of Israel had made sin a way of life; and the Lord God was angry. He sent famine in all their cities. The lack of bread in all their dwellings did not deter them in any way. Despite this, they did not return to God. The Lord withheld rain from them for a long time until the harvest. God made it rain on one city, and did not make it rain on another. One field could receive rain, and another that did not receive it, despite the proximity. We saw some fields dry up. People left from one city to another to go and drink water without quenching their thirst. Despite this, they did not return to God. The Lord the Eternal struck them with rust and mildew; the locusts devoured the many gardens, vineyards, fig trees and olive trees. Despite this, they did not return to the Eternal. Even the plague and the infection brought nothing, the people remained unbelieving and rebellious. All these plagues will come upon us if we do not change our lifestyle. We must clean up our lives; especially the hygiene of our spiritual life must be put first to escape the devastating consequences of sin. Let us prepare the way of the Lord so that he finds us ready for any eventuality. Let us destroy misconduct and maintain a good relationship with the Eternal God, by obeying his voice. Excellent Wednesday. Amen
Alain Louz.-