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Let us examine all things and retain what is pleasing to God in his Church

Writer's picture: Meditons EnsembleMeditons Ensemble

Monday February 28, 2022

Theme: “Let us examine all things and retain what is pleasing to God in his Church Text : Ephesians 4:17-25

17. This therefore is what I say, and what I declare in the Lord, that ye must no more walk like the heathen, who walk after the vanity of their thoughts. 18. They are dulled in mind, alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardening of their hearts. 19. Having lost all feeling, they gave themselves up to lasciviousness, to commit every kind of impurity joined to covetousness. 20. But you, it is not thus that you have learned Christ, 21. if at least you have heard him, and if, according to the truth which is in Jesus, it is in him that you have been instructed to put off yourselves, 22. in regard to your past life, of the old man which is corrupted by deceitful lusts, 23. to be renewed in the spirit of your understanding, 24. and to put on the new man, created according to God in righteousness and holiness produced by truth. 25. Wherefore, renounce falsehood, and let each one of you speak truthfully to his neighbor; because we are members of each other.

Let's remember:

When we disconnect intelligence, we fall into stupidity. Likewise when we neglect the faith, we become pagans. Let's not lose lucidity, judgment and discernment. Let us not walk according to our vain thoughts; let us turn to the Holy Scriptures to enlighten our journey and our intelligence. Let us ask for wisdom from God in order to embellish our daily life because wisdom translates the fear of God. Don't rush to react if we didn't weigh “the pros and cons”. Let us react in the light of the Word of God knowing that love must take precedence over evil. If we do the opposite, it means that our intelligence is obscured, it means that we are strangers to the life of God. It is one of the proofs of ignorance and hardness of heart. Let's not lose the good feelings; do not indulge in dissolution. Let's put off the sinful nature and put on the new birth. Excellent Monday. Happy end of February. Amen Alain Louz.-

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