Monday, February 3, 2025
Theme: "Joseph's youth and his faithfulness to God"
Text: Genesis 30:22-24
22. God remembered Rachel, and he heard her, and made her fertile. 23. And she conceived, and bore a son, and said, God has taken away my reproach. 24. And she called his name Joseph, saying, May the LORD add to me another son.
Let us remember:
"Joseph's youth and his faithfulness to God" is a theme that helps us to review our relationship with God, with our neighbor, with ourselves. Joseph comes from a family strongly attached to God. Despite the difficulties and controversies suffered by his parents, they placed their faith in God, knowing that help comes only from the LORD. Joseph is the son of Jacob, he comes from a complex marriage. Jacob had been forced to marry two women, who were half-sisters, they were his cousins. His father-in-law Laban was also his uncle. Laban had not wanted his younger daughter Rachel to marry before the elder Leah (to respect the custom). He had used subterfuges to give him the two daughters. As if that were not enough, when Jacob's two wives had difficulty procreating, they gave their two servants as wives to Jacob in order to raise up descendants for their family. In his grace, God remembered Rachel, he heard her, and he made her fertile. She became pregnant, and gave birth to a son whom she named Joseph which means: "May the Lord add to me another son". Rachel had this hope that God would give her additional grace. Joseph is Rachel's eldest son. The eyes of his parents were on him. Likewise, God had a benevolent look on him because each first child served as firstfruits for God. Automatically and without forcing, Joseph was an offering to God but he was also an offering from God. Excellent Monday. Amen.
Alain Louz.-