Thursday February 24, 2022
Theme: “ Jesus teaches and practices love ”
Text: John 13:3-12
3. Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, that he had come from God, and was going to God, 4. rose from the table, took off his clothes, and took a linen, with which he girded himself. 5. Then he poured water into a basin, and he began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which he was girded. 6. So he came to Simon Peter; and Peter said unto him, Thou, O Lord, thou washest my feet! 7. Jesus answered him, What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will soon understand. 8. Peter said to him: No, you will never wash my feet. Jesus answered him: Unless I wash you, you will have no share with me. 9. Simon Peter said to him, Lord, not only the feet, but also the hands and the head. 10. Jesus said to him: He who is washed needs only to wash his feet to be completely pure; and you are pure, but not all of you. 11. For he knew him who betrayed him; therefore he says: You are not all pure. 12. After he had washed their feet, and taken off his clothes, he sat down to the table again, and said to them, Do you understand what I have done to you?
Let's remember:
Jesus further raises the level of love. The level is so high that the intelligence of the disciples does not perceive the intensity of this love. Peter is even offside, believing that Jesus was rambling; he wanted to refuse the outburst of this love. The symbolism was so strong that they were in the waves, in the clouds, in deep incomprehension. The disciples were lost in this last gesture of Jesus towards them. Now, Jesus wanted to reassure his disciples; knowing that without love and cohesion, their mission would not be complete because the world would swallow them up before Pentecost. Jesus strengthened them with this stinging lesson in unparalleled love. It is certain that each disciple still had his eyes covered with scales and did not perceive the outcome of this glorious gesture. By this gesture reserved for slaves, Jesus leads his disciples from earthly love to heavenly love, this level of love whose existence men do not imagine. When Pierre thought he understood, he asked to be washed completely; Alas! He was wrong again. In John 21:15 the risen Jesus asked Peter "do you love me?" knowing that he had disowned him in the meantime. Excellent Thursday. Amen. Alain Louz.-