Tuesday 8 June 2021
Theme : " How long will you be steeping on both sides? " Text : Joshua 24: 14-16
14. Now fear the LORD, and serve him with integrity and truth. Destroy the gods that your fathers served across the river and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. 15. And if you do not see fit to serve the Lord, choose today whom you want to serve, or the gods that your fathers served beyond the river, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live. I and my house will serve the Lord. 16. The people answered and said, Far be it from us to forsake the LORD, and to serve other gods!
Let us remember :
Far be it from us to forsake the Lord and serve other gods! This is the sermon that every Christian should hug, remember, and spread. When we have gone wrong on one side or another; we have to stabilize ourselves and make a real saving decision. The best decision is to follow and serve the Lord. We're not going alone, but we have to take our whole family on board. Let us then fear the Lord and serve Him with fear and trembling knowing that his accompaniment is guaranteed. Those who serve the Lord are not forsaken by their Master. Let us not continue to cast worried glances; let us go and water our souls near the spring of living water which flows from the bosom of Jesus. Let's make the choice never to go wrong again and stay anchored in Christ Jesus for all eternity. Excellent Tuesday of spiritual stability. Amen Alain Louz.-