Thursday, January 30, 2025
Theme: "Helping our neighbors"
Text: Proverbs 19:17
17. He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, who will repay him according to his work.
Let us remember:
Helping our neighbors is a kind of saving that we make in God's bank. Every action that brings assistance to our neighbor is encouraged by God. We must take care of those who are needy and bear the burden of suffering with them. They will live less unpleasant days if we support them with better assistance. Let us not reject the poor but be ready to help them by providing for their needs. When we organize a festive activity, take care to invite the poor to put stars in their eyes. When we give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind. We will be happy because they cannot reciprocate; because it is Jesus who will reward us at the resurrection of the righteous. He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, who will repay him according to his work. This is the best way to be rich in good works, to have liberality, generosity. This is the best way to amass a treasure built on a solid foundation. This is the best way to seize true life (1 Timothy 6:18 and 19). Let us be generous towards those who do not have the capacity to make ends meet. They need our assistance at all times. Let us not tire of doing it several times. God is not unjust for not giving us back what we would have invested for the good of our neighbor. God goes through us to help the poor. Excellent Thursday. Amen.
Alain Louz.-