Friday October 21, 2022
Theme: “Healing of body and soul" Text: Luke 5:12-16 12. Jesus was in one of the cities; and behold, a man covered with leprosy, having seen him, fell on his face, and prayed to him: Lord, if you will, you can make me clean. 13. Jesus stretched out his hand, touched him, and said, I will, be pure. Immediately the leprosy left him. 14. Then he ordered her not to tell anyone. But, he said, go and show yourself to the priest, and offer for your purification what Moses commanded, as a testimony to them. 15. His fame spread more and more, and people came in droves to hear him and to be cured of their diseases. 16. And he withdrew into the deserts, and prayed. Let's remember: Our world is filled with people who have the ability to do good but lack the will to do so. Likewise, Jesus is able to do all kinds of miracles according to "his will" and his sovereignty. If He wants, He can do anything. This is why the leper said to him: "if you want". This leper sought the help of Jesus by prostration face down, which symbolizes adoration and self-surrender, consecration and deep humility. In this leper's request, there is everything needed to touch the sensitivity of Jesus and trigger the miracle. We do not receive healing of body and soul because of the clumsiness of our procedure before Jesus. We fail to touch the sensitive points of Jesus: adoration and his sovereign will. These things cause Jesus to touch even the sick while it is not good to touch a leper. Let us know what our God loves in order to please him, then he will heal our disease. Excellent Friday and good start into the weekend. Amen Alain Louz.-