Sunday January 22, 2023
Theme: “Growth in the faith“ Text: Matthew 17:19-20 19. Then the disciples came to Jesus, and said to him privately, Why were we unable to cast out this demon? 20. It is because of your unbelief, Jesus told them. Truly I tell you, if you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to that mountain, Move from here, and it would move; nothing would be impossible for you.
Let's remember:
Faith is a firm assurance of things hoped for; a demonstration of those which we do not see. Faith is also the fact of believing in God by a deep adherence of mind and heart. Thus, faith requires absolute trust without the shadow of a small doubt. We understand that we are in the field of the abstract, the virtual, a very sensitive and risky field. Faith cannot be global or communal; it is individual, personal. On the other hand, a single person's lack of faith can cause an entire group to fail. Know that there are failures that occur through our lack of faith. We have to stop doing things halfheartedly. Fortunately, we have Jesus Christ the good leader who always comes to lift our faith whenever it wavers. When there is a failure, you have to ask yourself why did I fail? This is one of the lessons of this text; let's take the time to debrief with Jesus to evaluate our activities. Surely Christ will enlighten our faith and understanding by pointing us to the cause of failure. Let us then count on Jesus to experience the growth in faith that moves mountains. Excellent Sunday. Amen Alain Louz.-