Friday January 26, 2024
Theme: “Growing in Faith”
Text: Genesis 18:9-15
9. Then they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? He answered: She is there, in the tent. 10. One of them said: I will return to you at this same time; and behold, Sarah your wife will have a son. Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent, which was behind him. 11. Abraham and Sarah were old and advanced in years: and Sarah could no longer hope to have children. 12. She laughed within herself, saying: Now that I am old, shall I still have desires? My lord is old too. 13. The LORD said to Abraham, Why then did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I really have a child, even though I am old? 14. Is there anything astonishing from the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, at this same time; and Sarah will have a son. 15. Sarah lied, saying, I did not laugh. Because she was afraid. But he said: On the contrary, you laughed.
Let's remember:
Anyone who wants to grow in faith must never laugh at a divine revelation; all the more so when the Lord himself is the messenger without an intermediary. Sometimes we doubt and laugh at the faces that some of God's servants make while carrying out their ministry. These bad attitudes or this lightness render the content of their message humanly empty. People are able to laugh at some powerful truths because of the poor posture of the transmission channel. But here, it is the Lord God Himself who speaks. Let us not laugh if we want to grow in faith. Sarah should look at Abraham's good attitude and do like him. The two had already waited a long time for God's promise without seeing it come true. They are told to wait exactly one year only to see it come to pass and that is where doubt arises. Be careful, a jar can break at the entrance to the house. Growing in faith takes a good deal of patience to gather God's promises. Let’s remove impatience and doubt. Let's be persistent, let's wait for next year what we don't see today. Let us be firm in waiting, for the Lord is not a man to lie. Growing in faith should not be just a sequence of waiting for God's promises but learning to love God. Let us learn to Love God without being eternal beggars for divine graces. He who loves does not doubt the person he loves. He believes everything he is told. Growing in faith goes hand in hand with love and trust. Growing in faith means trusting God. Excellent Friday and good start to the weekend. Amen
Alain Louz.-