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Greed and its consequences in the life of a citizen

Wednesday August 16, 2023

Theme: "Greed and its consequences in the life of a citizen" Text: 2 Peter 2:13-17

13. thus receiving the wages of their iniquity. They find their delight in indulging in pleasure in broad daylight; tarnished and defiled men, they revel in their deceptions, caring good cheer with you. 14. Their eyes are full of adultery and insatiable in sin; they entice unstable souls; their hearts are practiced in cupidity; they are children of curses. 15. After leaving the straight path, they went astray following the way of Balaam son of Bosor, who loved the wages of iniquity, 16. but was rebuked for his transgression: a mute donkey, uttering a man's voice, stopped the madness of the prophet. 17. These people are fountains without water, clouds driven by a whirlwind: the obscurity of darkness is reserved for them.

Let's remember:

In this chapter, the Lord teaches us that he who practices greed will bear the burden of his sin until the day of judgment. He will live the unfortunate consequences of his choice every day without being granted the favor of redemption. Because of greed, we will lose the benefits of Jesus' resurrection. When our Lord came back to life, he also brought us back from our wicked ways and raised us up from the spiritual death of greed. Now, if we refuse to leave greed, we are validating our own eternal destruction. Let us not forget that the Lord Jesus Christ will not come again to offer himself on the cross to save us. This stage is over and stored in the annals of faith. But he will rather come back to judge our enduring greed. However, it is time today, upon reading this message, for everyone to take a stand and commit to the path of integrity, myself included. If we live in greed, we will receive the wages of death. The greedy are those who find their delight in indulging in pleasure in broad daylight; tarnished and defiled men, they revel in their deceptions, in eating well. To eat well means to eat well, to revel, to debauchery at the table. The greedy are children of curses because they have eyes full of adultery and insatiable in sin; they entice unstable souls. The greedy eventually go astray and lead others astray; they love the wages of iniquity. They are people devoid of content, fountains without water, clouds chased away by a whirlwind. The Lord God has in store for them the darkness of darkness, Gehenna, eternal death. Excellent Wednesday. Amen Alain Louz.-

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