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Greed and its consequences in the life of a citizen

Writer's picture: Meditons EnsembleMeditons Ensemble

Tuesday August 15, 2023

Theme: "Greed and its consequences in the life of a citizen" Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7

3. What God wants is your sanctification; it is that you abstain from fornication; 4. that each of you should know how to possess his body in holiness and honesty, 5. without yielding yourselves to passionate lust, as do the pagans who do not know God; 6. It is that no man use fraud and greed in business towards his brother, because the Lord takes vengeance on all these things, as we have already told you and attested. 7. For God has not called us to impurity, but to sanctification.

Let's remember:

A respectable citizen takes more time to help than to wait for help. He attaches great importance to the work of his hands. He eats by the sweat of his brow. We have many projects and ambitions, but that is no excuse for greed. Let us not forget that one who sets out in pursuit of easy gain will fall into all sorts of trouble including the temptations that may lead to human or animal sacrifice simply for money. There are consequences waiting outside the door of a greedy person. It is not possible to be greedy and not pay the price. But let's be supporters of work and merit because each day is enough. If we do not yield to the seduction of life and the devil, we will walk in holiness far from lusts and greed. Let us abstain from greed in all its forms. Greed does not honor God or our faith or our community. This is proof of the manifest presence of the devil in control of the life of the greedy. This is why the greedy is a fervent servant of the devil, he is a worker of the devil. But what God wants is our sanctification; it is that we refrain from greed. Let everyone know how to possess his body in holiness and honesty, far from greed, covetousness and all desires leading to sin. Let's not indulge in passionate lust, not even moderate lust as if we don't know God. Let us move away from fraud which is a mode of action of the greedy. In business, do not hide the gains for our benefit because God will cut them off to our great misfortune. Flee greed and advocate liberality. Excellent Tuesday. Amen Alain Louz.-

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