Sunday July 25, 2021
Theme : " God will provide " Text : 1 Kings 17: 9-16
9. Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and abide there. Behold, I ordered a widowed woman there to feed you. 10. He arose, and went to Zarephath. As he came to the entrance of the city, behold, there was a widowed woman there gathering firewood. He called to him and said, Go and fetch me, I pray thee, a little water in a vessel, that I may drink. 11. And she went to get some. He called him again, and said, Bring me, I pray thee, a piece of bread in thy hand. 12. And she said, Living Jehovah thy God! I have nothing cooked, I only have a handful of flour in a pot and a little oil in a jug. And behold, I pick up two pieces of wood, and then I will go in and prepare this for myself and for my son; we will eat, after which we will die. 13. Elijah said unto him, Fear not; go in and do as thou hast said. Only, first prepare a little cake for me with it, and you will bring it to me; then you will do it for yourself and your son. 14. For thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel, The flour that is in the pot shall not fail, and the oil that is in the jug shall not be diminished, until that day when the Lord will drop out of the pot. rain on the face of the ground. 15. She went and did according to the word of Elijah. And for a long time she had enough to eat, herself and her family, as well as Elijah. 16. There was no lack of flour that was in the jar, and the oil that was in the jar was not diminished, according to the word which the LORD had spoken through Elijah.
Let us remember :
Let's pay attention to our meetings. Among them, we have missionaries of God who come to make the glory of God shine in our lives. Let us also pay attention to what is said to us; God often speaks through our fellow human beings. If we are distracted; we'll miss the mark. When we have perceived that the person in front of us is speaking in the Name of God; let's be quick to obey to stay in God's plan. Our obedience is the key that gives us access to excellent divine favors. It could happen that God requires us to offer our only Isaac before giving us Israel the great nation. He can ask us for the only provision we have left. Let’s not think, but let’s do as He wants; without worry for our uncertain tomorrow, God will provide. A healthy offering triggers a mighty miracle. God does not resist such a sacrifice; he provides himself. Excellent Sunday. Amen Alain Louz.-