Tuesday January 10, 2023
Theme: “God Grows the Church“
Text: Ephesians 2:21
21. In him the whole building, well coordinated, rises to be a holy temple in the Lord.
The building of God is made of all who have access to the Father, in one Spirit. The edifice is made up of peoples formerly foreign to the covenant, those who were people from outside; but who are now fellow citizens of the saints, people of the household of God. They have become the people of God, they have been built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the cornerstone. In the harmony of the Holy Spirit and under the leadership of Christ who is the head of the Church, all this people conquered by God establishes itself like a flag to announce the reign of God and the establishment of his kingdom in all the world. It is in such harmony that the growth of the Church body of Christ takes place under his watchful eye. Thus, each Christian is a stone, a good material that comes into play to participate in the consolidation of the building (the Church). If a stone is detached from the building, we will notice that the building is unbalanced and there will be a hole, a void at this place. It will become a gateway for the devil into the Church. Let's be in our place. Excellent Tuesday. Amen Alain Louz.-