Saturday February 25, 2023
Theme: “Future Judgments of Christ's Return“
Text: 2 Corinthians 5:9-10
9. This is also why we strive to be pleasing to him, whether we remain in this body or leave it. 10. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each may receive according to the good or evil he has done while in his body.
Let's remember:
When we see the course of life in this age, we groan in this tent, longing to put on our heavenly home, if at least we are found worthy by God. It is true that life on earth is filled with all kinds of challenges, but we must not give in to the desires of the flesh or risk suffering the worst sentence on the day of judgment. Each work will be scrutinized to judge its relevance and its impact for oneself, for our neighbour, for the Church and for God. If we add up the misconduct from day to day, it will make a big pile that will lead us to death. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each may receive according to the good or the evil he has done, being in his body. This is why we must strive to please God by fighting the good fight of faith, by seizing the eternal life to which we have been called, and for which we have made a beautiful confession in the presence of a large number of witnesses. Since we will pass before the judgment seat of God, let us shine with good works and have strong faith. Excellent Saturday. Amen Alain Louz.-