Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Theme: “Future Judgments of Christ's Return“
Text: Psalms 96:11-13
11. Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth rejoice, Let the sea resound with all that it contains, 12. Let the countryside rejoice with all that it contains, Let all the trees from the forests shout for joy, 13. Before the LORD! For he comes, for he comes to judge the earth; He will judge the world with righteousness, And the peoples with his faithfulness.
The imminent return of Jesus Christ is more than evident. We see how events and signs of his return are cyclical and hasty. As if nature has decided to show the existence of its only creator and controller. All over the world, we feel the succession of certain phenomena that are beyond the control of humans. Climate change is not excluded from this list which is only growing day by day. The time has come to celebrate the imminent return of our Savior Jesus Christ who comes to judge the world. Its status will change; from lawyer he will pass to judge. The one who defends our cause today will become the one who will judge all our actions. For this new era that is coming, let us be happy to welcome it. May the heavens rejoice, may the earth cry out for joy, may the whole universe rejoice for its creator is coming. So let us continue to prepare ourselves for his return so that he will find us ready, worthy and ready to enter the wedding hall. Let us fill our lamps with oil and put on the most beautiful festive attire to welcome Jesus Christ. Excellent preparation Tuesday. Amen Alain Louz.-