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For a good and happy year

Writer's picture: Meditons EnsembleMeditons Ensemble

Wednesday January 5, 2022

Theme : " For a good and happy year " Text : Philippians 4: 8-9

8. Besides, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is amiable, whatever deserves approval, whatever is virtuous and praiseworthy, be the object of your thoughts. 9. What you have learned, received and heard from me, and what you have seen in me, practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Let us remember:

As long as the urges to do wrong fill our thoughts; it will be impossible to live in peace. As long as our hearts are drawn to pernicious desires, we can only live through troubled years. However, when we fill our hearts and thoughts with all that is true, all that is honorable, all that is righteous, all that is pure, all that is lovable, all that deserves approval, that who is virtuous and worthy of praise; it is then that we will have a good and happy new year. It is then that the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will invade us. It is then that we will feel the presence of Jesus Christ in us and around us on a daily basis. Without forcing, we will begin to practice what we have learned and heard from Him our Lord. Excellent Wednesday. Amen Alain Louz.-

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