Saturday June 17, 2023
Theme : "Fighting corruption for sustainable development" Text : Isaiah 59:11-16
11. We all growl like bears, We moan like doves; We are waiting for deliverance, and it is not there, Salvation, and it is far from us. 12. For our transgressions are many before you, And our sins testify against us; Our transgressions are with us, And we know our crimes. 13. We have been guilty and faithless toward the LORD, We have forsaken our God; We have uttered violence and revolt, Conceived and meditated in the heart words of lies; 14. And deliverance is withdrawn, And salvation stands afar off; For truth stumbles in the public square, And righteousness cannot approach. 15. The truth is gone, And he who turns away from evil is stripped. - The Eternal sees, with an indignant look, That there is no more righteousness. 16. He sees that there is not a man, He is surprised that no one intercedes; Then his arm comes to his aid, And his justice serves him for support.
Let's remember :
Chapter 59 of the prophet Isaiah is a string of reproaches made to the remnant of the people. The long list of infidelities demonstrates the origin of the corruption that had taken hold in the public square. As long as sin remains the choice of the people, corruption will remain. As long as evil is never driven out of the midst of the people, sustainable development will remain an illusion and a fantasy. It will be nice to project development in 20 years, nothing will even be started. Sin hides the face of Yahweh from us. Sin prevents his hand from helping us. Let's take away the sin that's spread in the land, in our lives, in our local churches. We have trafficked even in the house of God. We have brought the foreign gods into our families, into our churches and into our countries. How do we hope to experience sustainable development as long as evil keeps its hold on us? We can growl and moan like bears, it won't change anything. The best experts in sustainable development can be called upon, nothing will advance because darkness has obscured the horizon. Never the cart before the horse. Whoever wants sustainable development must expiate the sin that surrounds it. If this process is not respected, we will experience ephemeral, partial and unbalanced development. Who says corruption, says sin and vice versa. He who sins is corrupt, he who is corrupt has sinned. Bring back justice, bring back truth, bring back faithfulness, bring back love, bring back God and our eyes will see sustainable development. Excellent Saturday. Amen Alain Louz.-