Wednesday November 1, 2023
Theme: “Do your job well because your remuneration depends on it” Text: Psalms 127:2-4
2. In vain do you rise early, go to bed late, and eat the bread of sorrow; He gives as much to his beloved ones while they sleep. 3. Behold, children are an inheritance from the LORD, and the fruit of the womb is a reward. 4. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the sons of youth.
Let's remember:
It is obvious that God had commanded us to work to meet our needs. It is therefore imperative for every human to work in order to access remuneration. However, in our biblical text, the Lord God brings a note of hope and fortification consisting of reassuring his people. This message should rejoice the heart of every Christian who has the joy of being a child of God because we have promises from our Heavenly Father. One of these promises asks us to remain silent and He Yahweh will work for us. As one might say, let us sleep peacefully and God will work for us. This should not be taken as a negation of one's own Word or a call to idleness. The Lord God gives us to rest in green pastures or to rest in the shadow of the Almighty as it is said in Psalms 91: 1. "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High rests in the shadow of the Almighty." Isn’t it every person’s desire to be cared for by God? The Lord God tells us that it is of no use to cry, to lament, to have insomnia, to do make-up jobs... let us abandon our life to his grace so that he maintains it in his love. There are some who don't work hard but who eat well as if they had double the salary. The Lord teaches us to rely on Him more than on work. He rewards those who firmly rely on Him. It is also work to rely on the Lord, letting Him manage our daily challenges and trusting Him. Have a great Wednesday. Amen Alain Louz.-