Wednesday July 7, 2021
Theme : " Divisions: source of weakening " Text : 1 Corinthians 11: 16-20
16. If anyone likes to challenge, we don't have that habit, neither do the Churches of God. 17. In giving this warning, what I am not praising is that you are coming together, not to become better, but to become worse. 18. And first of all, I hear that when you come together in assembly, there are divisions among you, - and I partly believe it, 19. for there must also be sects among you. , so that those who are approved may be recognized as such in your midst. - 20. So when you come together, it is not to eat the Lord's Supper;
Let us remember :
It is true that unity is becoming increasingly rare in the world but also in the Christian world. It is the uniqueness that grows; everyone wants to stand out from the crowd in order to go it alone; that we see him alone. However, one should not detach oneself from others while destroying them through cunning and malice. Let whoever wants to stand out do so in the area of obedience to Christ. You can also stand out by doing good to your neighbor. Let us avoid divisions because they feed the arguments of the pagans; they take advantage of it to weaken the glorious work of Christ; they slow down its flight and as such the spread of the gospel. The divisions render ineffective and ineffective the efforts of the body of Christ to depopulate the kingdom of the devil. Let's drive out any division in our life, in our families and wherever we operate. Excellent Wednesday of unity in Christ. Amen Alain Louz.-