Tuesday June 4, 2024
Theme: “Cultivating the land means participating in the restoration of creation”
Text: Proverbs 28:19
19. He who tills his field is satisfied with bread, but he who pursues vain things is satisfied with poverty.
Let's remember:
Our theme for the week will address both aspects of the word restoration. Indeed, restoration is the action of restoring, repairing, putting back in good condition, reestablishing. This is also the result of this action. Example: the restoration of a work of art, the restoration of authority. But catering is also the profession of restaurateur and establishments which allow meals to be taken. This last aspect consists of the nutrition of hungry people. We know that for a meal to arrive on the table, you must first plant a plant, cultivate the land. After a few months of maintenance, depending on the type of seeds, we can harvest. This is why cultivating the land means participating in the restoration, the nutrition of creation. Let us highlight the earth because it is our surrogate and nourishing mother, capable of nourishing us if we go about it according to the rules of the art, without damaging it, without polluting it. He who tills his field is satisfied with bread. He never sleeps hungry, he eats his fill, he never begs. We will be self-sufficient or self-reliant if we refuse to be inactive and idle. We will eat the best provisions on earth if we cultivate it. But he who pursues vain things is satisfied with poverty. The best wealth remains the earth because it can enrich us in different ways. Excellent Tuesday. Amen
Alain Louz.-