Sunday April 3, 2022
Theme : “ Covenant with God ”
Text : Exodus 19:5-6
5. Now, if you listen to my voice, and if you keep my covenant, you will belong to me among all people, for all the earth is mine; 6. You will be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words you will speak to the children of Israel.
Let's remember:
The Covenant with the Eternal God can be summed up in one word: discipline. To accept a Covenant is a matter of joy; however the important thing is to keep the said Covenant respecting the will of God. When God endows us with spiritual gifts, it is already a Covenant and it is up to us to do his will. All the promises that are in the Bible constitute a Covenant with the Eternal since their accomplishment depends on our obedience. By respectfully keeping the precepts of our Covenant with God, in his eyes we will be judged worthy and faithful servants and we will enter into his joy and rest. Thus, it is obligatory to contain our families and our entourage in this Covenant in order to engage our nations and communities to participate in this noble work of salvation. God-faithful nations are made up of God-loving families. Let us be among the model families who keep the Covenant with God without violating it. Excellent Sunday. Amen Alain Louz.-