Saturday April 2, 2022
Theme : “ Covenant with God ”
Text : Hebrews 8:10-13
10. But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord: I will put my statutes in their minds, I will write them in their hearts; And I will be their God, And they will be my people. 11. None shall teach his countryman any more, Nor any his brother, saying, Know the Lord! For all will know me, From the smallest to the greatest among them; 12. Because I will forgive their iniquities, And remember their sins no more. 13. Saying: a new covenant, he declared the first old; however, what is old, what has aged, is about to disappear.
Let's remember:
When what is new appears, what is old will disappear. The new covenant will supplant the old. The difference between these two is that the new covenant will be directly engraved in everyone's mind and heart. God will transcribe his Word in the heart of each believer. He will be the sole interlocutor and messenger. Pastoral and evangelistic ministries will disappear because God will take responsibility for teaching his people. There will be no more preachers since all the people will already have the deposit of the gospel in their hearts. This new covenant is the one that is being fulfilled today. The Holy Spirit of God is installed in our hearts if not he knocks at the door of the heart. The Word of God is spreading at breakneck speed all over the world. God visits his people more than in other church ages. This alliance, which is going crescendo towards the integral coverage of peoples still entrenched in secularism, will reach its target during these centuries. Let us welcome this alliance with joy and may God be pleased to live in us. Excellent Saturday. Amen Alain Louz.-