Monday April 26, 2021
Theme : "Choosing the right part" Text : Proverbs 4: 26-27
26. Consider the way by which you go, and let all your ways be well settled; 27. Do not incline to the right or to the left, And turn your foot away from evil.
Let us remember :
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Life works by the law of good and evil. There is no middleman playing the forbearance game. It is up to us to make the choice; and God directs us to the right choice. Indeed, in life, choices are imperative at all times. Even to get from point "A" to point "B" we have to choose a route, often we take the safest and shortest route. Likewise for our salvation, our peace, our sanctification ... we must proceed to the choice of the path. The way par excellence is Jesus Christ. If we take it, all our ways will be fine. Since it is a question of choice, then we must internalize that the choice of Jesus imposes on us discipline, rigor, perseverance, fidelity so as not to lean to the right or to the left, but by turning our feet away from evil. Let us love Jesus who is our best way; our good part. Excellent Monday. Amen! Alain Louz.-