Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Theme : “ Being a role model for other children ”
Text : Philippians 3:17-21
17. Be all my imitators, brethren, and look to those who walk after the pattern you have in us. 18. For there are many who walk as enemies of the cross of Christ, of which I have often spoken to you, and I speak of them now still with tears. 19. Their end will be perdition; their god is their belly, they put their glory in what makes them ashamed, they think only of earthly things. 20. But our city is in heaven, from where we also expect as Savior the Lord Jesus Christ, 21. who will transform the body of our humiliation, making it like the body of his glory, by the power that he has to subjugate all things.
Let's remember:
In every field, there are pioneers who show the way. Our model is Jesus Christ. Let us follow his instructions; they are not difficult when led by the Holy Spirit. Paul experienced it and he wants us to experience it too. Let's imitate Paul and all who walk according to the instructions of Jesus Christ. Let us not follow those who slander, who deny the faith. Let's not envy the pagans even if they have a good social positioning; let us not imitate them, for their end is fatal. Those who do not accept the saving work of the cross must not catch our eye. They are the enemies of faith. Let us keep them in our prayers but do not take them as models. Let's take the example of those in the early church and act like them. May the pleasures of this world not dictate a course of action. Our focus should be on Jesus and be led by the Holy Spirit. Let us aspire to eternal life and desire it with all our desires; let us work on it with firm determination, without slackening. Let us evaluate each work to know if it opens the door of heaven or if it closes it. So we will be good role models. Excellent Tuesday. Amen Alain Louz.-