Saturday February 18, 2023
Theme: “Be in abundant faith“
Text: Romans 15:18-19
18. For I dare not mention anything that Christ has not done through me to bring the Gentiles to obedience, by word and deed, 19. by the power of signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and the neighboring countries even to Illyria I have spread the gospel of Christ abundantly.
Let's remember:
Faith is the combination of belief and action. Words must be matched with deeds. Indeed, our actions are enough to translate the degree of faith that characterizes us. It is obvious that some acts are the result of mimicry but the fact remains that some words are too. Paul the Apostle teaches us that abundant faith is a disposition of heart that prevents the Christian from living in spiritual immobility. Everyone must get out of their comfort zone and deploy themselves in the dissemination of the Word of God. It is the noblest aspect of our Christian life. If we are Christians without helping others understand the gospel of salvation, then our course is invalid. Let's not be proud of our belief in Jesus yet until we spread the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. James 2:26. "As the body without a soul is dead, so faith without works is dead." Let us manifest our faith by the works of spreading the gospel of God. The means of action are multiple: radios, flyers, social networks, physical meetings, the writing of books, the spiritual, material, intellectual and even financial contribution to evangelization actions. Let's start in our family circle. Excellent Saturday. Amen Alain Louz.-