Friday February 17, 2023
Theme: “Be in abundant faith“
Text: John 11:40
40. Jesus said to him: Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?
Let's remember:
Our Lord Jesus Christ has a mode of operation that is specific to his divine requirements. His love is general, he loves everyone equally. However, he does favors according to his grace, according to his sovereignty and according to his will. This is why there are people who only receive divine provisions after their efforts. This is their grace. There are others who receive effortlessly, always according to God's dispensation. But the basic principle required in this text is to BELIEVE before SEEING. In other words, you have to have the assurance (faith) that God will do something before you receive it. This principle is required several times; here are some illustrations: (1) He who BELIEVES and is baptized will be SAVED. [Mark 16:16]; (2) If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and BELIEVE in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be SAVED. [Rom. 10:9]; (3) If you BELIEVE with all your heart, it is POSSIBLE. [Acts 8:37]. Mark 11:23 says we can only move mountains if we believe. Faith calls for fulfillment. Lack of faith breeds failure. Show our faith and God will take care of blessing us. Excellent Friday and good start into the weekend. Amen Alain Louz.-