Thursday February 1, 2024
Theme: “Be happy”
Text: Psalms 119:1-3
1. Blessed are those who are upright in their way, who walk in the law of the LORD! 2. Blessed are those who keep his precepts, who seek him with all their heart, 3. who do no iniquity, but who walk in his ways.
Let's remember:
Happy is anyone who leads a life of integrity in God and even in society. A person of integrity is one who has absolute integrity. The person who is of great integrity is the one who cannot be corrupted. He is therefore an honest and incorruptible person. Corruption comes from sin because it is sin that corrupts a person’s heart. To do this, we must better control our thoughts so that they do not lead us towards sin which would corrupt our conduct and we would no longer have integrity. Living in sin does not make you happy. But a person of integrity is a happy person because he knows how to bring joy to his God and also to that of his neighbor. The testimony of humans towards him is always positive. Whoever keeps the precepts of God is a person of integrity because he does not violate the law of God. She fights to keep it at all times, even when circumstances prevent her from doing so, she does her best to keep the precepts of God. Living such a life is a real source of joy, it reinforces the feeling of being happy. Seeking God with all our heart to make him happy makes us happy. This helps us live in obedience to God. Let us experience this life far from sin and we will be whole and happy. Excellent month of February. Amen
Alain Louz.-